Apr 30, 2018
For many counselors, therapists, social workers, and psychologists, the dream of being in private practice, or even owning their own practice, seems daunting. In this four-part series of the Practice of Therapy Podcast, Gordon talks about the steps needed to make the transition from doing agency work, as a mental health clinician, to being in private practice. The series discusses: 1.) Knowing your “WHY”, 2.) Making a Plan, 3.) Setting-up an Office, and 4.) Marketing & Getting Referrals.
Check out the mini-course: “Love the Work, But Hate The Job”
In this course you will be emailed 4 lessons, one each day, that will walk you through a way to think about making the transition from agency work into private practice. (Get the discount here!)
FUN FACT: You are 40-60% more likely to reach a goal simply by writing it down...A good way to begin to capture all of these ideas is to start journaling about those things. Maybe also create a timeline for yourself with some realistic and attainable goals. Check out this blog post: “Why Asking WHY Matters Most”
“Follow your bliss. If you do follow your bliss, you put yourself on a kind of track that has been there all the while waiting for you, and the life you ought to be living is the one you are living…” - Joseph Campbell