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The Practice of Therapy Podcast ( helps therapists, counselors, and other mental health clinicians start, build and grow in their private practices.  Whether you are just starting into private practice or have been in it a while, The Practice of Therapy Podcast will give you information to help you grow and succeed!

Nov 21, 2018

In this episode of the Practice of Therapy Podcast, Gordon goes solo and discusses his Thanksgiving traditions and how he tries to practice gratitude. Then, Gordon tells us about the recent conference he attended and his nomination for Best Therapist Blog from 2018 Best of Therapist Resources Awards. Later, we learn how networking can have a positive impact on ourselves and the lives of others in the community. Gordon then discusses the Netflix show 13 Reasons Why and what some students in Michigan did to address teen suicide with a program called 13 Reason Why Not. Lastly, Gordon sends thoughts and prayers to Paradise, CA and everyone affected by the shootings plaguing our country.

Practicing Gratitude, Kindness, and Compassion

Gordon reveals how he is grateful for all the therapists out there because of the hardships they carry. Also, Gordon reminds us to practice compassion and kindness toward yourself and others. Solo practicing can be a lonely time, so it is essential to practice gratitude toward your relationships with others. During the conference, Gordon reveals how he was able to form bonds with other therapists and get affirmation that his work is recognized. Then, Gordon encourages us to rally around each other and be grateful for the work everyone does to help others.


Gordon discusses how networking with like-minded colleagues and doing advocacy work will have a positive impact on your life and the lives of the others. Recently, in Texas, there was a push to do away with licenses to limit the ability of therapists to give diagnoses. Mental health provider associations did away with this push. Networking with others help make changes to policies and prevent ones that could do damage to the community. Staying involved is another way to show gratitude, by understanding the city and showing a genuine interest in your community.

Resources Mentioned:

2018 Best of Therapist Resources Awards


Therapist Experience Podcast

Meet Gordon Brewer, MEd, LMFT

L Gordon Brewer

Gordon is the person behind The Practice of Therapy Podcast & Blog.He is also President and Founder of Kingsport Counseling Associates, PLLC. He is a therapist, consultant, business mentor, trainer and writer.  PLEASE Subscribe to The Practice of Therapy Podcast on iTunesStitcher and Google Play. Follow us on Twitter @therapistlearn and Pinterest “Like” us on Facebook.